it's muggle mumble story

it's muggle mumble story

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

take many picture today :DD (ehm yesterday)

oke kemarin gw bersama sekawan cewek lainnya bermain ke rumah nenek dyah..
tujuan awalnya sih mau pembukuan..
tak disangka.. kita jadi narsis-narsisan di laptop dyah..
beratus-ratus foto tercipta... (hm lebay)
dan inilah hasil foto kamiii :D

seru banget deh..

dan pas gw buka kompas online
ada link gede tentang flu dan gw langsung setuju banget nget nget nget

saya amat sangat setuju (lagi sakit pilek .red)
hahahahaha gw juga mau posting foto yang keren banget yang gw temuin di Lookbook

keren banget kan :p
heheheh bentuk love nya yang dikaca..
inspiratif banget deh

okedeh segitu aja.. doain ya sekarang ini makin dekat menjelang UN
semoga segalanya menjadi sukses ...

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Hollywood for Haiti..

Absolutely you know about this news right?

On Jan. 12, 2010, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, reducing much of its capital to rubble. It was the worst earthquake in the region in more than 200 years. A study by the Inter-American Development Bank estimates that the cost could be between $7.2 billion to $13.2 billion, based on a death toll from 200,000 to 250,000. The devastation created serious obstacles to those attempting to deliver promised foreign aid.
(copas from

Then some of singer in hollywood care and make a video with title "We are the world 25 for Haiti"
here the video

If you download it , you has donated for haiti
Hope for Haiti...

Shared some OLD PHOTO..

Well, want tell you that in 3 weeks (oh God) I must study hard..
yeah, of course for my national exam that will be held on last week in March.
Hope I can graduate it with the best result...

Oke back again to my old photo
hahaha.. I found it in my friendster!!  (not all)
And some on my folders.. hihihi
it's really...
Oh... hahahahahahaha

Oh My Gosh.. The letters from the shoutouts it's very good

and many more! :D
(enough )

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

All about Fashion

Sejarah gw searching sesuatu di blog ujuk-ujuk ada 2 hal yang gw temukan..
1. Blog tentang Fashion
2. Blog yang kocak abis

Dan masuk manakah blog gw?
Blog aneh.. hahahahahaha

Forget it..
Gw mau bahas tentang fashion blog yang udah amat sangat merajalela..
Menyebar bagaikan virus flu burung yang menyebar dengan amat sangat cepat...
Sebagai cewek normal, gw juga pasti ada perasaan iri dan pingin bisa punya baju baju hebat kayak mereka
lihat deh

hot chocolate and mint

and many more...
yang pasti kalo lo iseng nyari di Om GOOGLE .. pasti banyak banget tuh resultnya..

Dan sebagai orang yang biasa-biasa saja saya menyadari untuk tidak bergaya berlebihan..
Hehehehe (tumben nyadar)
Dan ternyata ada yang mendengar harapan saya selama ini..
Yah.. Inilah tempat bagi orang-orang yang bisa stres dan semau gw tapi tetep oke dan kreatif dalam ber-fashion ria..


Yup! Event yang diadakan oleh Ka Bena ini keren dan gokil abis..
ikutan deh!
Untuk info selengkapnya ::

So, don't worry be happy. Kalian bisa mengekspresikan segala macam fashion yang gokil dan keren juga kreatif dan yang pasti murah meriah disini. :p

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Yeah ..

Do you remember that I had posting about Bena project??
Well, I remember that I ever capture something wrong in FB and save it..
And I send the picture in here just for fun..
But, taarraaaa...
My picture it's has been post in ..

thank you ! :D

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Happy Valentine :D

Well, 14 February is over when I write this posting..
I know, Valentine isn't our culture..
The History said that there was Pastor name Valentinus who wed couples with the fact they can't ..
But the pastor is very kind and lovable.. So, he wed them..

very mad when I saw someone in FB write this ::
"Ngapain ngerayain Valentine,, itu buat orang Kristen tau"
and in twitter like this ::
"Kan ceritanya dari pastor, jadi kita gak ngerayain"

What the???
Hmm,, If you don't wanna celebrate it, it's okay..
But pleaaasseee...
Don't said religion in any place..

Okay.. forget it..
Valentine night I watch MUSIC AND LYRICS
It's great romantic and comedy film..
you must watch it guys

and listen this song


Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Got Something Funny...

Absolutely (hope) you know his blog..

He is funny, crazy, werid (aha?) man...
But, I very like his blog...
Many posting that make me LOL and got some new and crazy idea...

well, I want to tell you about his new project with his friends..
this is it (ala chef Farah Queen :p)


and the other project..


look at the photo.. hihihhihi (ketawa-ketiwi)

and the other project again
Hari Sial

check them out...
And don't angry to me if you can stop laughing

Rainy Everyday...

Tiap hari sekarang BOGOR HUJAN...
Diawali dengan pagi yang sedikit mendung..
Kemudian siang yang amat sangat menyengat...
Dan sore sampai malam yang dingin karena HUJAN..

males banget deh jadinya mo kemana-mana...

Dan akhirnya hujan ini menyebabkan berita tidak mengenakan...
I got it from my friend then I looking from KOMPAS for this news

JAKARTA, Selain banjir akibat luapan Ciliwung, hujan deras di kawasan Puncak, Kabupaten Bogor, juga menyebabkan longsor di sejumlah titik, serta jembatan rubuh.

Informasi yang diperoleh, Jumat (12/2/2010) malam ini, longsor terjadi di kawasan Megamendung, di Kabupaten Bogor. Material longsoran hanya menimpa bagian belakang rumah penduduk, sehingga tidak menyebabkan korban jiwa atau pun terluka.
Longsor juga kembali terjadi di kawasan Karangtengah, Kecamatan Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor. Dua rumah dilaporkan tertimbun tanah, tetapi belum diketahui apakah ada korban jiwa.
Masih di Babakan Madang, sebuah jembatan dilaporkan sudah rubuh terseret arus. Sedangkan di Kota Bogor sebuah jembatan di sekitar Sempur dilaporkan sudah nyaris rubuh.

Beruntungnya rumah gw berada di atas..
So , banjir gak menyentuh rumah...

Buat para korban banjir...
Sabar aja yaa :D
Just can't support them and pray that no flood anymore..
AMIIINNN (hmm :p)

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Happy Birthday Niki! ILY :*

My friends, My new bestie, My classmate it's getting OLD...
She was celebrate her birthday on 7th Februari 2010..
She 15 now..
Happy Birthday Darling :p
Wish you all the best best best best!!

I want tell you how dramatic her birthday...
Ehm, cause my English it's not (really) good..
Than I choose to tell you in Indonesia...

Gw punya ide buat ngerjain si niki..
Awalnya idenya tuh kejam-kejam,,
Dipegatin, ngantuk (her lovely doll) disembunyikan, drama marah-marah dan macem-macem deh..

Kita juga kerjasama sama Mamanya Niki..
Gw juga kerjasama sama anak-anak luar dan Bu Yuli..

Tapi, rencana yang sudah dirancang apik..
Ooo alaahhh...
piye to iki ?? (ehm,, come to Javanese)

Drama gw marahan ma Kiki her lovely boyfriend...
Udah berhasil rencana 1 ... GREAT!
liat deh dia update status

drama anak-anak aerobik marah-marah gara-gara si niki pacaran wae...
rencana 2 berhasil... Huahahahahaha (tertawa puas)

Rencana gak ada yang ngasih selamet Ulang Tahun pas tanggal 7 Februari..
But, I do. Cause my friends told me that Niki it's look like very mad..

Rencana drama marah-marah ma Kiki dan
anak-anak aerobik marah ma Niki
Why? Kiki katanya kalo marah-marah ma gw yang ada ketawa (aha?)
Why? Anak-anak takut ngeliat niki,, ngapain coba harus takut? eh mereka bilang "poppy mah gak bakal takut orang lebih nyeremin" (Do I look like a Ghost??)

Rencana menyembunyikan ngantuk...
Kata mamanya :: "aduh nanti Niki gak bisa tidur semaleman.. Ntar tante yang repot"
Ngeekk~ gagal..

Oke lah..
Terjadi konflik..
Konflik kado terutama..
Pada bingung mo kasih kado apa..
Yaudah yang simpel tapi berkesan adalah...

Jadilah kami bergegas mengerjakan segala sesuatunya...
Waahh.. seru banget deh.. smabiil keketawaan itu buatnya :p

Hari Senin 8-2-2010
Mungkin jadi hari yang membetekan bagi Niki..
Ya gimana gak,, orang dia udah dikacangin gitu..
Sedih deh ...
:'( maaf yaaa :D
Oke, lanjuuutt..
Pas istirahat PT gw cabut ke PP ma uwo buat nyetak fotoo.
Luamaaaaaa banget dah.. Kesel gw..
Mana si mas-mas nya muka horni.. hiiiii
Akhirnya selesai dan langsung meluncur ke Dhosa..
Udah wanti-wanti ma Pa Khoer tuh..
ssereeemm -__-

Lanjut,, Pas selesai PT langsung ngerjain kado yang setengah jadi dengan tenaga kuda...
Walau hujan menerpa (halah)
Dan pas selesai langsung cabut ke rumah niki...
Di angkot pada riweuh niupin balon.. hahahahaha

Berharap Niki belom nyampe rumah..
Karena kita dah sekongkolan ama nyokapnya biar supirnya jemputnya telat

Sementara dirumah niki,, Kiki, Bebe, Putri, Tata, Safira (who else?)
Sudah mempersiapkan segalanya..

Dan ini part paling mengesalkan.. Udah mo nyampe rumah Niki..
Eh mobil nya niki lewat..
Semua gelagapan...
Gw langsung nyebur Got.. Untung gak ada airnya (pengalaman pahit bersama got)

Langsung deh pas Niki turun kita langsung kasih selamat ultah...
Dia langsung terharu gitu..
Padahal tadinya gw dah takut dia marah..
Trus kita bilang,, yang lain gak bisa dateng karena banyak urusan..

Eh pas dia buka pintu rumah
"Happy Birthday To You... Happy Birthday To You..."
Langsung nangis..
pada jadi teletubies semua itu..

Kita potong kue,, trus dimakan tuh kue (yaeeeyaalah)

Nah karena mo nyeplok telor...
Jadi gw bilang aja.. "karena di dalam panas, diluar aja yuk nik"
"oke" kata dia..

Lanjut deh..
Pada siap-siap megang telor ma terigu ditangan..
Udah siap tempur....

Skenarionya sih mo foto-foto trus ngasih kado dulu..
Tapi Anti, datang dan dialah yang menceplokan telor pertama ke kepala niki..
Kado langsung diselamatkan dan..

Bebe ma Putri dapet kebagian dipeluk sama Niki.,,
Dan serangan kembali diluncurkan Novi...

udah deh..
Adonan kue nyokap gw aja tuh..

Ya semua berakhir Lot of Laugh..
Sambil pada bersihin halaman nya Niki,,
Niki dimandiin diluar..

Dan Kami pun menjadi sangar saat acara makan-makan..

Dan pulang lah kami...

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010


hahaha.. Well,, when you see this will be shocked hahahaha
It's WOW.
That's my comment for this video...

I found the other video too

And my record for playing rubiks it's 1 minute 58 second.. hahahahha :p
Keep practice!

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Grammy Awards!

At 31 January 2010..
Hollywood was celebrate 52nd GRAMMY AWARDS..
I watched it in Indosiar 10.30 p.m
Well, I didn't watched it until finish.. hahaha
feel tired and then sleep.. (:p)

Well, Lady Gaga was open the show with the great performance..
She sang Poker Face and Speechless with... (hmm I forget)

And I love Beyonce performance too..
Well,, she got 6 awards for this time..
Congrats Beyonce :D

Oh. yeah If you want to looking the picture of Grammy awards click HERE
and there's many videos of it.

And I save many photos to posting in here..

Lady Gaga and her pose.. hehehe

Ke$ha and Justin Bieber

Stephen Colbert wth his IPad.. haa~ want it!

good photos from Imogen Heap

Pink in action

Cool man :: Jonas Brothers

Her hot pose :D

unique custom

Google Celebrate..

Yesterday, I found somethin different from Google Acount..
It's change like this..

And text give me information that yesterday is
Norman Rockwell Birthday!

Yehe.. Who is Norman Rockwell ??
Norman Rockwell was a 20th-century American painter and illustrator. His works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States, where Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life scenarios he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over more than four decades.
Among the best-known of Rockwell's works are the Willie Gillis series, Rosie the Riveter (although his Rosie was reproduced less than others of the day), Saying Grace (1951), and the Four Freedoms series. He is also noted for his work for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA); producing covers for their publication Boys' Life, calendars, and other illustrations.

(hihihi FYI, I cheating the information from Wikipedia)
Then, there are some of his best-known works